32 business resilience quotes for staying strong under pressure (2025)

September 18, 2024

Business resilience quotes for staying strong under pressure

Business resilience goes beyond recovery, it is the ability of a business or organization to adapt and still succeed in times of unplanned changes that could potentially be a threat to the brand, reputation, people, or even operations. As many business resilience quotes highlight, resilience goes beyond recovery, it involves proactively identifying potential risks, developing strategies to overcome them, and even turning some challenges into opportunities. 

32 business resilience quotes that will boost your entrepreneurial mind

Here are some quotes to reflect on in times when you are dealing with burnout and need extra motivation:

  1. “You don’t need to be a genius or a visionary, or even a college graduate for that matter, to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.” – Michael Dell
  2. “Your success is going to be very dependent on how you adapt.” – Jeremy Stoppelman
  3. “Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.” – Ryan Freitas
  4. “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.” – Mary Holloway
  5. “When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realize that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam​​
  6. “It’s in crises that leaders, teams, and organizations are tested. This is when the big questions get asked. Does a practiced disaster recovery plan exist? What about a resilience strategy to respond and bounce back? Are all the systems in place to support work after a disaster?” – Jonathan Reichental
  7. “Like tiny seeds with potent power to push through tough ground and become mighty trees, we hold innate reserves of unimaginable strength. We are resilient.” – Catherine DeVrye
  8. “No one escapes pain, fear, and suffering. Yet from pain can come wisdom, from fear can come courage, from suffering can come strength – if we have the virtue of resilience.” – Eric Greitens
  9. “Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before.” – Elizabeth Edwards
  10. “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli
  11. “Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.” – Gever Tulley
  12. “Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work through difficult problems.” – Gever Tulley
  13. “Resilience is based on compassion for ourselves as well as compassion for others.” – Sharon Salzberg
  14. “Resilience is the ability to attack while running away.” – Wes Fessler
  15. “When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience.” – Jaeda Dewalt
  16. “Resilience is very different than being numb. Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But, you keep going.” – Yasmin Mogahed
  17. “Successful people demonstrate their resilience through their dedication to making progress every day, even if that progress is marginal.” – Jonathan Mills
  18. “Resilience isn’t a single skill. It’s a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures, you should focus on emphasizing the positive.” – Jean Chatzky
  19. “Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.” – Mary Holloway
  20. “Life throws challenges but with patience and resilience, you can convert every challenge into a new opportunity to grow.” – Amit Ray
  21. “Resilience isn’t a single skill. It’s a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures, you should focus on emphasizing the positive.”  – Jean Chatzky
  22. “Resilience is born by grounding yourself in your own loveliness, hitting notes you thought were way out of your range.” – Gregory Boyle
  23. “Resilience is built from real hardship and cannot be bought or manufactured.” – Julie Lythcott-Haim
  24. “The resilient leader recognizes the importance of bouncing back with vigor, not just for themselves but for the health of their organization.” — Deborah Ancona
  25. “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  26. “Resilience is not about how you endure. It’s about how you recharge.” — Shawn Achor
  27. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” — Henry Ford
  28. “Out of difficulties grow miracles.” — Jean de La Bruyère
  29. “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” — Albert Einstein
  30. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.” — Japanese Proverb
  31. “Resilience is built by putting one foot in front of the other. Even when we fear the steps, we take the step.” — Martin Luther King Jr.
  32. Resilience is about being able to look at your situation realistically and say, ‘This is bad, but I have the skills to handle it.” — Selene Kinder


Resilient organizations adapt to the storm, innovate, and find opportunities in the midst of any challenges and obstacles. If you had a chance to read our previous article, many business success quotes mentioned the role of resilience in achieving long-term success.

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