Nano influencers: what they are and why you need them

October 13, 2022

Nano influencers, what they are and why you need them

Social media influencers are nothing new in today’s world. You find them on all the platforms, and their content is often followed by millions of people. With such a level of engagement, there’s no wonder every business wants to have at least one influencer on their side. 

But things are not that easy. Big influencers are difficult to reach, and even if you start a conversation, it doesn’t mean they’ll accept a deal to promote your brand. So what is there to do, especially as a small business with a tight budget? 

This is where nano influencers get the stage. Because their communities are smaller and tighter, nano influencers may have better leeway in persuading their followers to try a brand they recommend. Plus, they don’t cost as much, and you can find them on every platform and in almost every niche.

What’s a nano influencer?

If a social media account has between 1,000 and 10,000 followers, it is considered a nano influencer. These content creators are often focused on a specific niche and tend to have a deeper connection with their followers than the celebrities of the influencer world. 

This translates well for online marketing campaigns since connection drives engagement and makes the followers feel like part of a tight-knit family. Plus, most of these creators are truly passionate about building their brands and improving their niche.

Why should you work with nano influencers?

Now, it’s only natural to ask this question. In the world of online marketing, a following of 10,000 or fewer is not much. But these small communities bring several benefits businesses shouldn’t ignore. 

Of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, and nano influencers can’t solve all your online marketing issues. But if you know how to approach them and negotiate a deal, you may be one step closer to your goal. 

1. Lower costs

You don’t have to work in marketing to know that influencers with big audiences charge quite a hefty price. However, the costs drop dramatically when dealing with people with a smaller following.

Nano influencers can’t boast about making a boatload of money out of their content, and most brands looking for collaboration will offer free products or services in exchange for some exposure. 

Plus, you can create simple, low-cost promotional materials for each platform. Let’s say you want to collaborate with a LinkedIn influencer. If you’re not interested in hiring a graphic designer to create a fresh visual campaign, you can simply combine your brand with a LinkedIn vector icon to signify the collaboration.

2. High ROI

Every business is free to grow its own audience, but for this to happen, you need to learn how to get followers and how to attract and maintain their engagement. This requires time, resources, and dedication that most small companies don’t have. One trick? Improve the image of your Instagram Stories by editing them and adding creative effects. This will help distinguish you from the crowd and attract more followers.

Instead, you can be a lot more successful by finding the right nano-influencers to support your campaigns. As we already mentioned, you don’t need a big budget, and most of the initial investment will return as new high-quality leads, brand exposure and awareness, more visitors, and increased sales.

Plus, you can collaborate with multiple influencers to multiply the benefits of your campaigns. When you draw the line, this strategy is more cost-efficient and has better results than learning the ropes of social media (at this state, at least).

3. An authentic and genuine message

Small influencers tend to keep their audience close to their heart, which means they feel safe sharing personal stories and events. Also, in most cases, part of that audience includes friends, family, and acquaintances, so it truly is a small community where all the members have some sort of connection.

Data shows influencers can indeed convince their audience to try recommendations, but it also shows that people are more likely to buy if the recommendation comes from a friend or a family member. Therefore, a recommendation from a nano influencer weighs heavier than a recommendation from a celebrity who is known to have deals with various brands. 

As a business, if you understand this power, you can use it to broaden your own audience and gain new brand supporters by collaborating with multiple nano influencers who fit your niche. The costs will be lower than regular online marketing campaigns, and the results should be amazing.


People who are part of a small social media following are more engaged and ready to follow a recommendation from their favorite influencer than people in large communities. And, since nano influencers don’t have exorbitant fees, businesses can use this cult-like loyalty to their advantage and at a lower initial investment.

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