Meet Kabel Net

Kabel Net is a company just like yours that recently joined Enterprise League. Kabel Net selected their category to be media and communications and chose telecommunications as their main sector. 

Kabel Net wants to appear first in Explore results in order to get more new business collaborations. 

Here you will understand a bit more about how Enterprise League helped them find new business and how it can help your company as well. 

Companies that appear at the top of explore results get the most exposure to business opportunities. Being amongst the first explore results is achieved by having an optimised and complete company profile information and sharing valuable business posts or tenders

Optimised company profile information

The platform algorithm judges your company page quality by reviewing the quality of the information you have entered. Information such as category, sector, location, products and services are crucial if you want your company to be shown and suggested to potential business opportunities. 

If Kabel Net fails to add information about their sector and location, and chooses to omit adding details about their services, they will never be able to capitalize on business opportunities that companies with complete information are being shown.

Why recently active companies appear higher in explore results

Enterprise League favours results. The algorithm works in a way to help companies that are being active find a business collaboration. Thus sometimes the companies you see in explore results have been online minutes ago or still are.

This will enable you to contact a company that is likely to reply quickly, which will enable you to start collaborating with them and solve your business requirement as soon as possible. 

The company’s journey

See how companies join the platform, setup their business profiles and get to work on Enterprise League.

Lesson 1: What is Enterprise League?

Lesson 2: Set up your company page

Lesson 3: Perfect your profile information

Lesson 4: Find and search for business deals

Lesson 5: Focus on what matters to you

Lesson 6: More angles to use the business platform

Lesson 7: How can your company appear first in Explore results?

Lesson 8: Why do company pages with missing information underperform?