Smart home storage ideas for every household

April 22, 2024

Smart home storage ideas for every household

Homes are expensive and the amount of space people can afford to buy or rent is decreasing. This makes finding space to store your belongings vital. In reality though, whether you are living in a spacious house or a tiny apartment, finding innovative ways to store your belongings can help you organize your daily routines and create a more functional living environment.

There are countless storage ideas to suit every household’s needs, from clever hacks to high-tech solutions, and here are some great home storage ideas to help you keep your home clutter-free. If these don’t help, you may want to consider using a self-storage unit and discover the ideal storage space for your needs.

Utilize vertical space

When it comes to maximizing storage in small spaces, don’t forget about overhead space. It’s easy to overlook the power of vertical storage solutions, but they not only make use of valuable space but can also be decorative like installing floating shelves or wall-mounted organizers and taking advantage of unused wall space in your kitchen, living room, or bedroom.

Invest in multi-functional furniture

Multi-functional furniture pieces are a game-changer for small-space living. Things like ottomans with hidden storage compartments, bed frames with built-in drawers, or coffee tables that double as storage chests. These versatile pieces not only provide extra storage but also serve multiple purposes, helping you make the most of every square inch of your home.

Optimize closet space

Closets often become dumping grounds for clutter out of sight and out of mind, right? Well, you’re wrong, cluttering up your closet just results in wasted space. With the right organization systems in place, they can become efficient storage hubs. Invest in closet organizers such as shelves, drawers, and hanging racks to maximize vertical space and keep clothing, shoes, and accessories neatly organized or you can consider using slim hangers to save space and create a uniform look.

Under-bed storage solutions

If you live in a small space, do not make the mistake of getting a bed that has no storage space underneath it. Invest in under-bed storage containers or bins to store out-of-season clothing, bedding, shoes, or bulky items such as luggage.

Opt for clear containers with wheels for easy access and visibility, or choose decorative baskets that complement your bedroom decor. There are also bed frames that come with storage built in which are also good options to explore.

Kitchen cabinet organizers

Tame kitchen clutter with clever cabinet organizers that make the most of every inch of space. The trick is, that you want to be able to reach things easily so that it’s not a struggle to put things away again after use.

Install pull-out shelves, drawer dividers, or vertical racks to maximize storage and keep pots, pans, spices, and pantry items easily accessible. Consider adding hooks or racks on the inside of cabinet doors to hang cleaning supplies, measuring cups, or kitchen tools.

Command centers

If you’ve got a big family, this is a key trick. Create a central command center in your home to keep track of schedules, mail, keys, and other essentials. Install a wall-mounted organizer with compartments for mail, keys, and charging devices.

Add a bulletin board or chalkboard for jotting down grocery lists, reminders, or family notes. By consolidating important items in one designated area, you can stay organized and minimize clutter throughout your home.

Over-the-door storage

Make use of the often overlooked space behind doors with over-the-door storage solutions like installing over-the-door organizers or racks in closets, bathrooms, or bedrooms to store shoes, accessories, cleaning supplies, or toiletries. These space-saving solutions are easy to install and can instantly create additional storage space without taking up floor space.

Maximize bathroom storage

Keep your bathroom clutter-free with smart storage solutions designed specifically for small spaces. Doing small things like installing floating shelves above the toilet to store towels, toiletries, or decorative items is helpful in keeping the space organized you can use stackable bins or baskets under the sink to corral cleaning supplies, extra toilet paper, or personal care products. Consider adding a mirrored medicine cabinet with adjustable shelves to maximize storage while adding functionality to your bathroom.

Declutter with vertical hooks

Vertical hooks are a simple yet effective storage solution for hanging coats, bags, towels, or kitchen utensils. Install hooks on walls, doors, or cabinets to keep items off the floor, and within easy reach. You can also use adhesive hooks for temporary storage solutions or sturdy wall-mounted hooks for heavier items. By utilizing vertical space, you can free up valuable floor space and create a more organized and clutter-free home.


Being smart with your home storage is a crucial part of keeping your home neat and organized. There are plenty of options to add additional storage to your home but the key is to keep things accessible and easy to use. If you have an excess of seasonal items or things you only need once or twice a year, consider getting a self-storage unit to help free up some extra space.

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