9 AI tools to increase your performance at work (2024)

May 20, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for many professionals, offering innovative solutions to streamline workflows and enhance performance. AI-powered tools can assist with various tasks, from improving writing quality and managing projects to simplifying research and automating administrative processes.

These tools act as intelligent assistants, augmenting human capabilities and freeing up valuable time for more strategic endeavors. Whether you’re a writer, project manager, marketer, or researcher, there’s likely an AI tool designed to address your specific needs and help you excel in your role.

9 AI tools for boosting your work performance

Lets have a look at some of the best AI tools for work performance:


Fiction writers facing writer’s block or needing a creativity boost can consider Sudowrite. This AI writing assistant offers features for various stages of the writing process. Brainstorm character ideas, plot points, and world-building elements.

If you’re stuck on a scene, Sudowrite analyzes your existing text and suggests fresh ideas that match your writing style. It even has a “Write” feature that acts like an advanced autocomplete, generating multiple possibilities to help you move forward. However, Sudowrite is a tool to assist you, not replace your own creativity. You’ll still need to edit and refine the AI-generated content to bring your vision to life.


Researchers can leverage Hypermind, an AI-powered research tool, to streamline their information gathering. Hypermind searches the web, gathers information from various sources, and even summarizes complex topics. This allows researchers to find relevant information quickly and efficiently. While it saves time, remember it acts as an assistant, not a replacement for critical analysis and evaluation of the information it provides


Optimize your accounts payable with Melio, an AI-powered accounts payable tool. Melio automates tasks like scanning invoices, approving payments, and sending payments to vendors. This frees up valuable time for accounts payable teams and reduces the risk of errors. While Melio simplifies the process, it’s important to note it doesn’t replace the need for human oversight and approval of payments.


Convert website visitors into qualified leads with Drift, an AI-powered conversational marketing tool. Engage with visitors through chat, answer their questions, and qualify them as potential customers. Drift can even schedule meetings directly, nurturing leads and accelerating the sales cycle.  


Struggling to find meeting times that work for everyone? X.ai can be your scheduling hero. This AI assistant integrates with your calendar and email to find pockets of free time across participants’ schedules. It then suggests these times and facilitates communication to find a mutually agreeable meeting time. X.ai streamlines the scheduling process, saving you and your colleagues valuable time and minimizing email back-and-forth.


Say goodbye to scrambling for notes after meetings or lectures. Otter.ai, an AI-powered transcription tool, automatically captures audio and video recordings, converting them into searchable text. This intelligent tool identifies speakers and timestamps, making it easy to find specific information later. Otter.ai not only saves you time transcribing but also ensures you capture every detail of the conversation.


Writers looking to polish their work can turn to Grammarly, an AI-powered writing assistant. This tool checks grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity, ensuring your writing is error-free. Grammarly goes beyond basic mechanics, offering suggestions for style, tone, and even plagiarism detection. This comprehensive feedback helps writers improve the overall effectiveness and impact of their communication.

Notion AI

Notion AI is an AI-powered add-on for the popular project management tool Notion. It helps you stay organized and on top of tasks by automatically summarizing your notes and documents. Notion AI goes a step further, suggesting next steps based on your workflow, helping you anticipate future needs and streamline your project management process. This intelligent assistant empowers you to work more efficiently and maximize your productivity.


Insycle is an AI-powered content management tool designed to streamline marketing workflows. It assists marketers throughout the content lifecycle. Brainstorm content ideas, get help optimizing your content for search engines to improve organic reach, and even track the performance of your marketing materials – all within a single platform. This centralized approach saves time, ensures brand consistency across content, and helps you understand what resonates with your target audience.


While AI offers a powerful boost to performance, it’s important to remember these tools are supplements, not replacements. Human expertise, creativity, and critical thinking remain essential. The ideal approach is to leverage AI to handle repetitive tasks and data analysis, freeing you to focus on higher-level thinking and strategic decision-making.

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