“How SEO helps your business?” It’s a common and understandable question for business owners. Afterall, it’s hard to dispel SEO fact from fiction, and with so many digital marketers telling you that your business will fail without it, getting a clear picture of SEO’s practical benefits becomes hazy.
First off, let’s clear up what SEO is not. SEO is not a magic bullet for businesses to get their websites to the top of Google. There’s no code to crack or algorithm to beat, but by investing time and effort into SEO best practices, virtually any business, from local house painters to law firms, and e-commerce companies can attract more clients.
What is SEO and how it works?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving and increasing web traffic to your website or web page from search engines. Essentially, SEO is about understanding what your customers are searching for and the content they find engaging. Knowing the answers or at least working to get them lets you connect more, convert more, and expose your brand further.
10 ways how SEO helps your business with client acquisition
These are all proven ways how SEO helps your business to attract new clients and retain the old ones.
SEO makes your business more visible
It allows you to get to know your customers
It also allows customers to get to know you better
SEO reveals new opportunities
SEO is trackable and adjustable
As mentioned earlier, SEO gives you a lot of information about your customers. Now what do you do with it?
One of SEO’s main benefits is noticing what works and what doesn’t. While it can take time for search engines to crawl a site, you can determine what moves the needle.
If a new landing page with persuasive copy and clear CTAs yielded higher conversions and you saw a jump in rankings, this may be something to repeat. On the other hand, if you implemented a dubious link building campaign in the past, you’ll see little to no impact. Fortunately, you can always switch gears and gain link equity from more reliable sources.
Local relevance equals convenience
You’ll hear a lot about locally relevant content in the SEO world. This refers to developing content and using SEO tactics to answer local customers’ queries and direct them to your website when they are looking for what you offer.
Put simply, if someone searches for “the best cupcakes in Columbus, Ohio” you want your cupcake shop to rank and showcase what makes your treats better. There are various SEO practices that can help, but doing it correctly shows customers what they want, where they can find you, and goes a long way to increasing revenue.
It makes websites better and easier to use
Search engines like Google are constantly updating their algorithms with the user or better yet, your potential customers’ experience in mind. They want to deliver the best website to meet their needs with the best UX. That’s why it is important to revisit and fine-tune your approach.
With more searches than ever happening on phones, tablets, and voice search platforms, is your site still suited for someone using a desktop? Large walls of text, out-of-frame images, and obsolete website architecture all contribute to a less than optimal experience and diminished rankings.
Think of it this way, if your site looks dated, is hard to navigate, and feels stagnant, how do you expect to engage a potential client?
An SEO investment is for long-term gains
It brings your whole marketing plan together
SEO is a great way to build brand awareness and should be the driving force behind your marketing efforts. All of your campaigns, whether they focus on e-mail, social media, e-commerce, or more traditional avenues like print should all borrow from and support one another.
This ensures your business has a unified brand voice, but it also adds authority. When your social media posts integrate with your blog and landing pages, your goals are aligned, your followers and engagement increase, and you’re better placed for organic growth.
SEO is cost-effective with a high ROI
Devoting resources to SEO is an undertaking for most businesses, and it definitely takes time and expertise. Some may be hesitant, favoring more immediate ways to increase web traffic and revenue. But this is often shortsighted.In the end, SEO is worth it because you better believe that your competition takes SEO seriously. The companies on page one are looking to make their sites faster, more user friendly, and engaging for their customers. There is nothing stopping your business from doing the same. SEO is how new and innovative enterprises level the playing field, and prove to the consumer why they deserve their business and the top spot in search.
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