5 do’s and don’ts of writing an ATS-friendly resume

5 do’s and don’ts of writing an ATS-friendly resume

5 do’s and don’ts of writing an ATS-friendly resume

January 26, 2022

Tips and tricks for writing a ATS friendly resume

Are you applying to your dream company but fear rejection from ATS? Do you desperately want your application to pass the ATS bots and be seen by a human recruiter?

You’ve likely spent hours perfecting your resume and cover letter. But there’s a chance your application could get filtered out by an applicant tracking system (ATS) before a human even sees it. This can be frustrating for everyone.

An ATS is software that companies use to automatically scan and filter job applications first before passing qualified ones to recruiters. Let’s look at some do’s and don’t when it comes to creating the perfect resume.

Things to avoid when writing a ATS-friendly resume

These are common mistakes that might not seem harmful, but they have a high chance of getting your job application rejected.

Don’t get distracted

While applying for a job, applicants see different opportunities with various demands. and it is easy to get distracted. Moreover, people do want to apply for the other jobs too, but remember that there might be more experienced people for that spot. So, just go with the best option you have from the company and leave the rest.

On the other hand, people applying for various positions in the same company might trigger the ATS bots, especially if they are contrasting in the field of work. Even if the application passes the bot, then the human recruiter will question the applicant’s experiences.

Avoid hacks

Another mistake people make is to try to cheat the automation system using different tricks. Some change the text font to white and write the keywords absurdly. For some people, the best option would be to take inspiration from professional resume examples at Skillhub to know about how to write a perfect one. It may be time-consuming, but it pays off eventually.If an applicant wants to get their dream job, they should not give the ATS any reason to reject the application. Also, if you are using some paid options like make sure that you cancel your subscription after you have completed your resume, there are many resources that can help you to cancel Resume Now for example , or Resumebuild and many other popular resume builders and template providers.

Don’t disrupt the flow of the text

Never put keywords inorganically in between the sentences. It not only makes the resume hard to read but sometimes nearly impossible as well. People make a lot of grammatical errors trying to use multiple keywords. This results in immediate rejection by the ATS bots.

Keep it simple and make short sentences. Don’t use unnecessary complex words. The bot may not consider it, but the hiring manager should easily read and understand the motive of the application.

Even if the application passes the ATS, the core success is acceptance by recruiters. And sometimes even recruiters make hiring mistakes so it is important to make it as clear and concise as possible to avoid any confusion.

Don’t add many graphical details

The prime mistake people make is putting some graphical elements on their resumes. This stuff may attract a human but not a software system. In fact, it will read and present your application to the recruiters in a text format.

The graphical details that ATS removes are:

  • headers;
  • footers;
  • charts;
  • columns;
  • colored texts;
  • highlights;
  • illustrations;
  • pictures.

The humans in the next hiring stage will see black text on a white background. So, avoid wasting time on putting images and graphics.

Go easy on the formatting

Lastly, to make the application presentable, applicants put in a lot of formatting. They apply colors in text, highlight the area, and use fancy fonts. All this stuff takes out the professional look of the resume.

The suitable formatting is to use bold and underline. Try to write your application in simple fonts like san-serifs. Make it less stressful for ATS to handle constantly changing formats.

Correct formatting for writing a friendly ATS resume

5 must-do things to writing a friendly ATS resume

Now, here are the points on what the applicant should do to increase the approval chances.

Use the proper keywords

It is better to stay within limits and use the related ones. Use proper keywords according to your duties and job demands. Try to sprinkle them everywhere.

Use keywords while you explain how you can solve a company’s problem and show you are a perfect fit for the job. Make sure your resume includes the key requirements from the job description.

Opt for word format

Although an ATS system accepts files in PDF, it would be best to write and submit the work in .docx format. If the preferred file format is indicated, then create your resume according to those instructions. 

Make sure you qualify for the job

Another crucial thing is to check the required qualification. Are you eligible for the job application? You need to evaluate the relevance of your high school diploma, work experiences, and key skills beforehand. If anyone applies for positions they have vague experiences with, then they will hardly land a job.

Avoid special accent letters

Another important thing to remember is never to use accent letters like “e” in “résumé.” ATS bots cannot identify these special characters. They will appear like “r?sum?.” So, in the end, you will make a bad impression on recruiters. Also, if you want to rank higher among other candidates and land an interview, you need to show professionalism.

Reread twice

Last but not least, reread your job application before submitting it. You might find some inconsistencies and errors in the text. Rereading also helps look at your resume from another perspective and understand how to make your document clearer and simpler for the ATS to scan. In short, it helps a lot to improve the quality of your resume.


Creating an ATS-friendly resume is not a difficult task. You just need to make your resume understandable for both bots and recruiters. Your application should be primarily easy to read and concise.  If you explain yourself in an efficient way, your acceptance chances will automatically increase.

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The impact and importance of gratitude in business

The impact and importance of gratitude in business

December 10, 2021

Importance of gratitude in business

Why is it that it takes us zero seconds of reasoning to complain at work , but years would pass and we’d still feel uncomfortable expressing gratitude at a coworker? As a matter of fact, it seems like we are badly programmed to overlook the importance of gratitude in business.

A successful business is built upon solid
relationships with your suppliers, employees, partners, clients, collaborators and even accidental passersby. One way to nourish these relationships is by adopting a habit of expressing gratitude in business. However, this doesn’t mean that a thank-you card during the holiday season or a box of chocolates is enough. In fact, the power of gratitude in business lies in consistency and sincerity. When practiced daily, and not just occasionally, the effects are much more profound and meaningful, reflecting on every aspect of your company.

Putting the the importance of gratitude in business on the spotlight

Let us help you understand why small business owners should encourage gratitude in business and practice it themselves, within the organization as well as in outside collaborators, if they want to accomplish their business goals. Making sure that their employees understand the value of gratitude in business reflects the leadership skills of the manager in charge.

Gratitude in the business for growth

Showing gratitude towards your employees and encouraging them to adopt the same mindset will amend many broken links that cause problems within your business. Moreover, when a person feels appreciated for their work they subconsciously mirror it through their acts and efforts, which means productivity and efficiency rise.

You’d be surprised to see how a simple “Thank you” can turn your most insecure worker into an unstoppable force.

It’s safe to say that gratitude is the antonym to negative feedback which promptly results in bad communication and dissatisfaction. However, we’re not saying to use the power of gratitude in business as an opportunistic weapon. On the contrary, you should show genuine thankfulness and care towards others. Of course, a badly executed task or attitude shouldn’t be addressed with appraisal.

Show appreciation toward your clients

One way to spread gratitude in business is to let your clients know that you value their loyalty and reminding them how grateful you are of their support is a major step towards building unbreakable bonds.

Expressing gratitude through words goes a long way, but putting those words into action goes even further. Namely, there are many ways to thank your customers and reward them, and loyalty card schemes or early-access programs are definitely among the best customers. Moreover, impromptu gifts and personalized touches  always strike the right cord, making customers come back and trust their needs into your hands over and over again. Or you can even go as far as taking them for a day out. It’s fun, unusual and it makes them feel special.

All in all, when gratitude is an essential part of the relationship with your clients, it’s inevitable to experience customer satisfaction hitting record highs, an ever-growing client base and profits always on the rise.

Affirmation builds strong partnerships

Finding faults and pointing them out is the easiest job ever done. On the other hand, recognising the good and affirming it loud and clear is somehow harder. Nevertheless, it helps you connect with other entrepreneurs and build lasting partnerships. No man is an island, and the same goes for business owners too. Correspondingly, success is most easily achieved when we back up each other.

Once again, the key to nurturing long-lasting relationships with other businesses lies in the power of gratitude. Communicate your appreciation with them. Make them aware of how much you respect their work. It can be a sudden call just to say “Well done”. Or perhaps a lunch, a sincere handshake, a better deal proposal, a box of Cuban cigars, a day at the SPA gift card… In fact, expressing gratitude in business can be anything as long as it is from the bottom of the heart and with no secret agenda.

Gratitude in business makes employees happier

Grateful people are happy people and that clearly reflects on the workplace environment. Positive workplace culture is a clear sign of a good boss that understands the importance of gratitude for business. It is not a secret that employees work better together with people that they like than with coworkers they don’t get along with. Gratitude allows us to appreciate other employees and that quickly snowballs into a much more happier environment for everyone to work with.


Much can be said about the importance of gratitude in business, but we’ll just leave you to reflect these wise words by John F. Kennedy:

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”

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5 key advantages of using cloud storage for business during a pandemic

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With global workforces now forced to adapt to a ‘new normal’, companies spanning multiple industries have had to re-evaluate their working practices to ensure staff can work remotely safely and securely. This has naturally seen a huge increase in cloud usage as millions work from home and expect to continue doing so. Indeed, some of the world’s leading tech brands have committed to more flexible remote working indefinitely including Shopify, Twitter and Facebook, with other well-known brands expecting to follow suit shortly.

As cloud computing becomes more crucial than ever, tech giant Microsoft has seen huge spikes in sales as a result of the ongoing pandemic. The health crisis has spurred the use of Microsoft’s services and helped drive a 59% jump in sales in the Azure cloud business. With 95% of Fortune 500 businesses using Azure, over $1bn has already been invested annually to protect Azure customers from cyberthreats. 

So what are the key advantages of cloud storage during the pandemic?

It is more cost-effective and secure

With the cloud, equipment downtime due to maintenance, theft or damage is almost non-existent. You typically only pay for the services you use, which provides a level of convenience and cost-control that’s almost impossible to achieve with on-site infrastructure. Additionally, they tend to be more reliable and flexible than on-premises servers.

Provides contingency against security threats

Since the pandemic has forced employees to work remotely, there is increased demand for effective and efficient security and protection protocols. In recent weeks there have been several cyber-attacks made on businesses but with the cloud, your encrypted data will benefit from constant monitoring of version changes, automated backups and storage usage. This means in the unlikely event of your data being compromised, you always have contingencies in place.

Scale-up depending on usage

Cloud services are available with flexible infrastructure giving you the ability to scale up or down automatically to ensure that optimum service is maintained. Flex servers are important for eCommerce websites that are particularly experiencing increased web traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collaborative working remotely

With millions of us now accessing internal systems remotely, the old barriers of physical documents have all but disappeared. You can share information with staff from across the globe from any device and avoid the outdated method of sending huge files via email attachments. This is great for supporting distributed teams during and after the pandemic is over.

Reduces your company’s carbon footprint

For businesses who wish to move to a more ‘paperless environment’, cloud storage is the perfect solution. Contribute to a more sustainable way of working and reduce wastage by keeping all documents safe in the cloud instead of printing them. By using cloud infrastructure instead of physical products and hardware, you can reduce your carbon footprint and improve energy efficiency.

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