Lesson 8: Why do company pages with missing information underperform?

Meet Kabel Net

Kabel Net is a company just like yours that recently joined Enterprise League. Kabel Net selected their category to be media and communications and chose telecommunications as their main sector. 

Kabel Net had the need to create its online payment system. It searched for a software company and found several companies that can help them with what they require. 

Here you will understand a bit more about why your company profile information is important for you to find your perfect business solution.

Your company profile is the display that all companies see. If Kabel Net don’t add their business category and sector, their company will not be seen by other companies searching for collaborations in their sector.

It is equally important to include your company location as many companies search for business collaborations within their region. 

Transparent and accurate company information is key

If most of the fields on your company profile are empty or contain partial information, it is likely that you will receive less business opportunities. Vaguely completed information shows your company is lacking professionalism or even may be thought of as fraudulent.  

Your company profile information impacts the likelihood of getting contacted for potential business collaborations. Other member companies prefer to work with companies that are being transparent about their operations.

How Kabel Net perceives company profile information

Kabel Net is looking for a company to help them with their online payment system. Kabel Net will search and contact companies that have detailed their services and testimonials on their company page. Kabel Net will not contact a company with incomplete profile information.

Explore search algorithm ignores incomplete profiles

The algorithm will favour and show first in explore results, company profiles with complete information. 

If a software developing company fails to include their business category and sector and it omits completing their offerings information, Kabel Net will not be able to see them when exploring to find companies that can help them with their online payment system. 

Now a company that has included their offerings, their business category and sector will appear in Kabel Net explore results. 

The algorithm recognises and suggests prospective business opportunities based on the information you add in your company profile. 

The company’s journey

See how companies join the platform, setup their business profiles and get to work on Enterprise League.

Lesson 1: What is Enterprise League?

Lesson 2: Set up your company page

Lesson 3: Perfect your profile information

Lesson 4: Find and search for business deals

Lesson 5: Focus on what matters to you

Lesson 6: More angles to use the business platform

Lesson 7: How can your company appear first in Explore results?

Lesson 8: Why do company pages with missing information underperform?

Lesson 7: How can your company appear first in explore results?

Meet Kabel Net

Kabel Net is a company just like yours that recently joined Enterprise League. Kabel Net selected their category to be media and communications and chose telecommunications as their main sector. 

Kabel Net wants to appear first in Explore results in order to get more new business collaborations. 

Here you will understand a bit more about how Enterprise League helped them find new business and how it can help your company as well. 

Companies that appear at the top of explore results get the most exposure to business opportunities. Being amongst the first explore results is achieved by having an optimised and complete company profile information and sharing valuable business posts or tenders

Optimised company profile information

The platform algorithm judges your company page quality by reviewing the quality of the information you have entered. Information such as category, sector, location, products and services are crucial if you want your company to be shown and suggested to potential business opportunities. 

If Kabel Net fails to add information about their sector and location, and chooses to omit adding details about their services, they will never be able to capitalize on business opportunities that companies with complete information are being shown.

Why recently active companies appear higher in explore results

Enterprise League favours results. The algorithm works in a way to help companies that are being active find a business collaboration. Thus sometimes the companies you see in explore results have been online minutes ago or still are.

This will enable you to contact a company that is likely to reply quickly, which will enable you to start collaborating with them and solve your business requirement as soon as possible. 

The company’s journey

See how companies join the platform, setup their business profiles and get to work on Enterprise League.

Lesson 1: What is Enterprise League?

Lesson 2: Set up your company page

Lesson 3: Perfect your profile information

Lesson 4: Find and search for business deals

Lesson 5: Focus on what matters to you

Lesson 6: More angles to use the business platform

Lesson 7: How can your company appear first in Explore results?

Lesson 8: Why do company pages with missing information underperform?

Lesson 1: What is Enterprise League

Meet Kabel Net

Kabel Net is a company just like yours that recently joined Enterprise League. 

Kabel Net had the need to create its online payment system. It shared a business tender and got several responses. 

Here you will understand a bit more about how Enterprise League helped them find their perfect solution and how it can help your company as well. 


What is Enterprise League

Enterprise League brings companies together. It helps companies connect and collaborate as easily online as they do in person. It is designed to help support businesses in the way they make business collaborations, find partnerships and close deals.

Kabel Net is learning that Enterprise League is the business collaboration platform where the right companies are and business deals are being found. Business collaboration on Enterprise League happens through tenders and instant communication, where relevant information is shared and companies can speed up their actions. It effectively removes the barrier between countries and eases the reachability of decision-makers imposed by hard-to-find contact details and borders. 

Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Enterprise League has an easy-to-use interface that’s intuitive to our members. 

How do companies get on board?

Create your company page: Every company sees your company page, which is why it is the most important step to your EL experience.

Fill out the information about what your company is about, what you offer, and what you are looking for: Other companies will be able to see if there is a window of business opportunity and will be more keen to contact you for a collaboration. If it applies to your company, include any licenses and certifications that show your company’s qualifications.

Find everything in the feed: you can see all activity on the platform. This is where you can find business tenders and bid on them.

Find what you need with Explore: Designed to help you find exactly what you need. Whether a company, a product or a post on a topic you’re interested in, explore will find it for you. Use filters like location, category, and keyword to ensure your perfect match appears in the search results. If you need a supplier, an outsourcing company or someone from your niche to exchange experiences with? Try explore and experience its power.

The company’s journey

See how companies join the platform, setup their business profiles and get to work on Enterprise League.

Lesson 1: What is Enterprise League?

Lesson 2: Set up your company page

Lesson 3: Perfect your profile information

Lesson 4: Find and search for business deals

Lesson 5: Focus on what matters to you

Lesson 6: More angles to use the business platform

Lesson 7: How can your company appear first in Explore results?

Lesson 8: Why do company pages with missing information underperform?

Sales Tactics: What to do after a client says ‘I will think about it’

Sales Tactics: What to do after a client says ‘I will think about it’

When it comes to building a successful business, mastering the right sales tactics is of immense importance. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that you are not the Wolf of Wall Street  – it’s a fantastic movie, yes, but not the sales Bible you should swear by. While you can learn a thing or two about how to close a deal from Jordan Belfort, we advise you to stick to the legal side of sales tactics.

In this article, we’ll tackle the issue of closing a deal when a client says they want to think about your offer. There are five ways to approach this kind of situation, all of which contradict each other to some extent. What does this mean? Every client is a different story and not all sales tips will work with them. You should trust your intuition and past experience when deciding which way to go with them.

Understand the reason

“The most important thing is to prove you can be useful and add value to their business or role. I send relevant articles and tips and show them what competitors are doing. I’m also upfront and ask directly what it is they’re waiting for and the address this. For example, if they’re waiting for their boss to sign off costs I give them case study data.” – Charli Hunt Proof Content.

Charli has a good point here: you need to dive deeper in their objection. Ask the right questions to get to the source of the hesitation and then work on removing it by offering the solution they need. You need to make them feel comfortable with their decision to move forward.

For instance, Justin Bryan from Winning Ways uses humour to remove the tension: “I’m direct in a comedic way – ‘The only people that come back are Terminator and Jesus you don’t look like either so let me ask you, where did I lose you?’

There’s an underlying objection you need to pull out of them.” 

By the same token, you can also respond like this:

Great! You should definitely think this over. Tell me though, on a scale of 1-10 where do you lie? 1 being   ‘not for me at all’ and 10 being you wanna get started today.
– They say 6.
– Great! Why didn’t you choose 5?
– They tell you the reason.
– Well what can I do to get you to a 10 today?

Sometimes the obstacle on the way of closing the deal is that you failed to articulate the value or guarantee. In this case you have to reframe the entire conversation and give them the value on a platter. 

However, more often than not, it’s the cost that worries clients. In such situations you can most certainly close the deal by giving them a discount or multiple payment methods they can choose from.

Don’t be pushy

Remember that before becoming an entrepreneur yourself, you were a client too. In fact, you’re still a client to someone. Being pushy, aggravating or annoying will only lead to a dispute and you’ll likely lose the client forever. You don’t want to be a telemarketer, do you?

Don’t hurry it up for them. Let them know you support their decision to think or talk it through with their partners or superiors. By pressuring them you’ll only burn the bridge down. Not to say that they will probably tell about the bad experience they had with you to everyone they know, and that’s more bridges down.

A simple “Looking forward to hearing from you again” and “Have a wonderful day” will take you a lot further than an aggressive attitude. It shows that you respect them as a person and you’re not only interested in their money.

In addition, if during your conversation with them you realise your services or products are not for them, you should point them to the right direction even if that’s your competition. They will most certainly remember your selflessness and return to you at some point.

Follow up

Once you hear the notorious ‘I will think about it’ you can politely ask them how long will that take and when can you reach out to them again. Moreover, you should let them know they can contact you anytime if they have some questions.

This is what Laura Cutress from Laura Rose Creative teaches business owners to do:

“Something I work on frequently with business owners is helping them communicate the VALUE of their offering, not just the price. Something that is very useful after the initial ‘pitch’ is sending over a detailed proposal email/PDF with a little bit more about the offer, complete with testimonials, and product or service breakdown and 3 packages/offers at different price points. This is the perfect follow up opportunity to get them on board with your brand, let them select the right package at a price that works for them, and convert them from a ‘Maybe’ to a ‘HELL YES!’ “

Create urgency

This approach should be taken with a dose of precaution. Because it means you’re selling on price and not on quality.

Nonetheless, it has shown to be quite effective. People are usually inclined towards special deals. It makes them feel… special! Although you’re a salesperson, they want you to be their friend and treat them better than you treat the rest by offering them a good deal.

So, you can create an urgency with an offer that expires soon, a special discount they only get today, or something of the sort.

Move on

Salespeople often have a saying that says it’s always better to go for the early ‘No’. While it is something you don’t really want to hear, it will save you a lot of time, effort and heartache. The truth is, not everyone will or should accept your deal. Getting a ‘no’ is not the end of your business.

Experience shows that “I will think about it” is usually a code for “I’m not interested”. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but in the majority of situations it’s what it means. 

You can ask them to choose between ‘yes’ or ‘no’ right away but it can sound too pushy, and you remember what we said about it. The safest option here is to presume it’s a ‘no’. Best case scenario – they might come back with a ‘yes’. Worst case scenario – you were right, you moved on and closed dozens of other deals in the meantime, instead of wasting time waiting on them.


Listen more than you talk, this way you’ll be able to hear their real needs and offer them exactly what you ask. Approach every client with respect and remember that they’re all different. What worked with one, might not work with another. 

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What Are the Online Alternatives to B2B Trade Shows

What Are the Online Alternatives to B2B Trade Shows

More and more businesses are seeking virtual alternatives to the B2B trade shows and exhibitions they can no longer attend due to the pandemic lockdown. What options are there on the market? Can we get the trade show sales and connections online? In critical times of uncertainty like we are facing today it is crucial to review what online alternatives to trade shows are there. 

Small businesses invest a considerable amount of money to be present at business trade shows and B2B exhibitions as a means to reach more new clients and get business leads. Luckily with digitisation we are able to get the same benefits remotely via online business trade shows, B2B platforms and virtual events.

Online Trade Shows alternative to physical trade shows

Online trade shows are a relatively new concept and are still perfecting their functionalities as there are limitations compared to traditional physical trade shows. Some virtual trade show organizers like Hyperfair are trying to enable companies to showcase their business in a virtual reality world resembling the once-popular SecondLife. These shows function like an ordinary online directory and there is some adopting 3D technology. At these virtual business trade shows you don’t have to leave your office, nor be all day at your booth. Rather you can continue with your office work until someone stops at your virtual booth.

B2B platform like a online trade show but active 24/7

B2B platforms, on the other hand, offer the benefits of virtual trade shows with the further advantage of being online constantly, getting real-time notifications when someone is interested in your company and most important of all you can post and bid on business tenders. Small businesses no longer need to waste considerable amounts of money and time to attend physical trade shows or business exhibitions to get new business deals and make sales. By being present on a B2B platform like Enterprise League, small businesses can reduce significantly their cost-per-lead ratio, save time by continuing business as usual operations and both, directly and indirectly, attract potential collaborations.   

If small businesses are resourceful they can identify ways to continue their B2B networking and lead generation operations online. B2B platforms are an ideal online alternative to B2B trade shows and exhibitions, which require minimal setup. You can create your company profile within a couple of minutes and immediately begin actively showcasing your offerings as if you would at a business trade show but remotely. Utilizing such a B2B platform as an online B2B trade show will help you save costs, increase and track sales data in real-time. B2B platform’s AI technology has the potential to revolutionize the way physical and remote trade shows work and become a fusion of a constantly active show with quick lead generation and sales benefits.

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